

Player age group is based on the player's age prior to January 1 of the current year (actual age in years on December 31 of the previous year). This aligns with the Softball Canada - Age Category, Ball Size and Pitching Distance Changes for 2022 Season.

In alignment with Softball Canada, all Softball programs are split into girls and boys - there are no coed teams/divisions.


This is the first division of Kemptville Wildcats where players will be pitched to by the opposing team. Players will develop the skills of batting, fielding and base running. ROSA rules will be followed with a few modifications to aid in developing pitching and batting.

Ages 9 and 10.

Travel for games will be required.


Players will continue to develop the skills of batting, fielding and base running.  Additional rules for pitchers & catchers introduced and enforced. ROSA rules apply.

Ages 11 and 12.

Travel for games will be required.


Players will continue to develop the skills of batting, fielding and base running.  Additional rules for pitchers & catchers introduced and enforced. ROSA rules apply.

Ages 13 and 14

Travel for games will be required.


Continue to focus on skill development and strategic play.

Ages 15 and 16.

Teams will travel throughout the region to compete.


Continue to focus on skill development and strategic play.

Ages 17 and 18.

Teams will travel throughout the region to compete.

Playing outside age group

Once a player exceeds the maximum age for an age group, they cannot play at that level. Also known as "playing down". 

Players may be allowed to "play up" an age group but this practice should be limited to second year players in the lower age group and primarily when a higher age group team needs players to field a team.

Priority will always be given to correct age group players and not those wanting to "play up". 

Note that in the "years following the pandemic" there has been more combining of age groups in all ROSA organizations. Kemptvile Wildcats goal is to enable as many kids as possible to play softball.


All softball scheduling is done by ROSA and there are no set nights of play. The schedule will be published at the beginning of the season. You will want to familiarize yourself with the location of the various Fields used by different organizations. In general, players can expect that half of the games will be played outside of Kemptville.

In addition to games, practices will be scheduled which are typically held at Riverside 1 or Riverside 3 in Kemptville. The practice schedule will vary and is largely based on Coach (Volunteer) availability.

There are end of season division tournaments which are typically the first or second weekend in July. The tournaments usually run Friday evening through Sunday afternoon and are hosted by different clubs each year so locations will vary.


Required Equipment

The following equipment is required (with some variations by division).

Optional Equipment